Introduction to the Housekeeping department Part 2
A Hotel survives on the sale of rooms, food and beverage and other minor operating services such as laundry, health club, telephone bills, flower arrangements etc. The sale of rooms constitutes nearly to 50 percent. In other words a hotel's largest margin of profit comes from the sale of room, because a room once made can be sold over and over . A good hotel operation ensures optimal room sales to achieve maximum profit.
Apart from several other things, the sale of room is dependant on the quality of room cleanliness, décor and room facilities and room safety. The criteria on which each guest decides whether the room is good or bad are personal. Since their choice is varied, the task of appealing to all kinds of guests becomes overwhelming. To make a room appealing to a guest is the basic task of housekeeping. It has to make sure, that the basic human needs of comfort and security is ensured by the hotel organisation. Thus, personal effort taken by the housekeeping department in giving a guest a desirable and acceptable room has a direct bearing on a guests experience in a hotel.
Thus,it is seen that the housekeeping department plays a major role in creating a brand and goodwill in the market. They can be the indirect marketers and sellers by giving a wow feeling to the customer by meeting their requirements and at the same time ensuring that the standards of the hotel are kept in mind.
Q1. Write a brief introduction on the Housekeeping department.?
Q2.What is the importance of the Housekeeping department?
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